
Page and API routes in Enhance applications are built from the file system of your project.

Adding a route is as straightforward as adding a page to app/pages, or an API handler to app/api. For example:

File in project URL in application
app/pages/index.html /index
app/pages/products.html /products
app/pages/about/team.html /about/team
app/api/products.mjs /products

In the above example, note that the page route /products and the API route /products resolve to the same path in your application. This means that any data returned by the /products API route will be made available to the /products page route (and any Enhance Elements rendered within it).


Dynamic routes

A dynamic route is a route in which a specific segment of the route (known as a dynamic segment) can be matched by a number of URLs.

To create a dynamic route, use the $segment syntax in naming your page or API route.

File in project Example matching URLs
app/pages/users/index.html /users
app/pages/users/$id.html /users/axol
app/api/users/$id.mjs /users/axol

The matched URL segments in the above examples are exposed to your API routes via the request.pathParameters object, allowing you to use this dynamic data in constructing your response.


Catch all routes

A catch all route is a dynamic route in which an arbitrary number of URL segments will be matched by the page or API route.

To create a catch all route, use the $$ syntax in naming your page or API route.

File in project Example matching URLs
app/pages/products/index.html /products
app/pages/products/$$.html /products/featured
app/api/products/$$.mjs /products/featured

As with dynamic routes, the matched URL segments in the above examples are exposed to your API routes via the request.pathParameters object.


API routes

Enhance’s API routes are backend JSON routes designed for seamless client-side progressive enhancement. API routes are defined under app/api and follow the same file system routing conventions as app/pages.

export async function get (req) {
  return {
    json: {
      favorites: ['coffee crisp', 'smarties']

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