
The context object enables passing state to child elements without needing to resort to passing attributes down through multiple elements.

Set parent context

The context object is passed as a key on the state object. Add data to the context object and it will be available to child elements.

Follow along by checking out the context demo from GitHub →

Given this markup you can use the context object to pass state directly to a deeply nested child element. Consider the page structure in the example below:


Add a heading key to the context object in the parent element:

export default function ContextParent({ html, state }) {
  const { context } = state
  context.heading = 'Heading set via context'
  return html`
 :host {
   display: block;
   height: 100dvh;
   padding-top: 3rem;
   text-align: center;
   font-family: sans-serif;

Render the heading passed via context in the deeply nested child element:

export default function ContextHeading({ html, state }) {
  const { context } = state
  const { heading='Default heading' } = context
  return html`
  :host > h1 {
    font-size: 1.5rem;

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