
Begin deploys Function Web Apps (FWA) which are dynamic web applications composed entirely of pure functions. Enhance on Begin gives you the ability to build a frontend completely in basic HTML, and browser native custom elements, and the backend completely in pure cloud functions. No messy build steps. No servers to scale or maintain.


Install the Begin CLI by opening your terminal and entering the following command:

npm i --global @begin/deploy

Generate a new project

npx "@enhance/cli@latest" new my-enhance-project

Preview in your browser

cd my-enhance-project
npx enhance dev

Add a new HTML page

npx enhance generate page --path hello/world

Creates app/pages/hello/world.html

Add a dynamic page

npx enhance generate page --path boom --type js

Creates app/pages/boom.mjs

Back that page with an API route

npx enhance generate api --path boom

Creates app/api/boom.mjs

Generate CRUDL routes

Create a real HTML form for CRUDL (create, read, update, destroy, and list) backed by DynamoDB.

npx enhance generate scaffold Cat name:string birthday:date email:email

Log in

Create a Begin account by running the following command in your terminal, then following the instructions to authorize with GitHub.

npx begin login


Time to ship your brand new project to a fresh environment!

npx begin deploy

Read more about how automating releases via GitHub Actions.

Community Resources


Visit Enhance on GitHub.


Join our Discord server to chat about development and get help from the community.


Follow Enhance in the Fediverse. We're huge fans of the IndieWeb!