
Attributes allow developers to configure the behavior of HTML elements. This is also true for Enhance Elements (and for HTML custom elements in general). Attributes can be used to pass basic units of data, which you can then leverage and respond to within your element.

Author attributes

To author an attribute on your Enhance Element, give it a name, and optionally a value, separated by an equals sign. An attribute without a value assigned to it becomes a boolean attribute (see below).

Note that, as per the HTML spec, attributes can only accept strings as values.

<my-message message="Howdy!"></my-message>

Access attrs

Attributes can be read via the attrs property of the state object.

export default function MyMessage({ html, state }) {
  const { attrs } = state
  const { message } = attrs

  return html`<p>${message}</p>`

Attribute names

HTML attributes are written in all lowercase characters. Because all attribute names on HTML elements get lowercased by the HTML parser, we recommend not using casing methods such as camelCase or PascalCase when naming your attributes.

Of particular concern here is that the attributeChangedCallback function will not fire for attributes with uppercase characters (because of the aforementioned parser behavior). Therefore, attributes named with multiple words should be delimited using kebab-casing or snake_casing (or not delimited at all).

case attribute JS access attributeChangedCallback
lower imagewidth attrs.imagewidth
kebab image-width attrs['image-width']
snake image_width attrs.image_width
camel imageWidth attrs.imageWidth

Handling booleans

Boolean attributes in HTML are a little different from what you may be used to if you’re coming to Enhance from a JavaScript centric framework. This is because, as per the HTML spec, a boolean attribute evaluates to true when it’s present, and false when it’s absent.

For example, let’s take a look at the disabled attribute, and when it evaluates to true and false:

<!-- TRUE -->
<button disabled>Disabled?</button>

<!-- TRUE -->
<button disabled="disabled">Disabled?</button>

<!-- TRUE -->
<button disabled="">Disabled?</button>

<!-- TRUE -->
<button disabled="false">Disabled?</button>

<!-- FALSE -->

In order to correctly check for (and conditionally apply) a boolean attribute on an Enhance Element, we recommend checking for the presence of that attribute on the element’s attrs field, like so:

export default function MyButton({ html, state }) {
  const { attrs } = state
  const disabled = Object.keys(attrs).includes('disabled')
    ? 'disabled'
    : ''

  return html`<button ${disabled}>Disabled?</button>`

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